Friday 4 April 2014

Year 9 and 13 lovelies...

Feeling horrible for having to split my classes up... both the Y13s and Y9s. Am still getting students coming up to see me telling me they're upset theyve been moved out of my class. The Y13s I think that they're just being silly, but the Y9s have been dealt a rough deal really.

Glad my classes are smaller and that I'm able to teach better, and at the end of it all that I can actually focus on the kids meant to be in my class and the kids who should be in the other class are getting the proper support and learning they need rather than being held back/going at their own pace.

That's all for now...

So behind in marking, unit planning and week planning...gah. Up to date with teaching... just need to think about where to go next. Never have time. Need to make time. Hopefully after this weekend I'll be able to have my time back a bit more....

At least things are getting more organised... Getting there!!

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